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General Provisions Regarding Residence Visas

Posted by Cayan on June 9, 2023

General Provisions Regarding Residence Visas

The validity periods of residence visas vary depending on their type, and there is another variation related to the sponsor. Please familiarize yourself with other requirements related to the residence visa and take the necessary steps to apply for this service. You can also read more about the procedures for renewing and canceling your residence visa.


Extension of Residence Visa Validity in the United Arab Emirates, Details and Recent Updates


The validity period of residence visas varies depending on their type, ranging from one year to two years, three years, five years, and up to ten years, as seen in the case of the Golden Residence Visa.


According to recent updates in residence visa issuance policies, residence visas can now be issued for extended periods of up to five and ten years for certain special categories, subject to specific conditions. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the details of long-term residence visas and retirement residence visas in the United Arab Emirates.


Family residence visas expire upon the expiration of the head of the family or sponsor’s residency period. Additionally, residence is considered expired or void automatically if the visa holder stays outside the country for more than 180 days. Regarding holders of Golden Residence Visas, they enjoy special privileges, allowing them to stay outside the country for any period without it affecting the validity of their residence permit.


Medical Fitness Standards for Residence Visa Holders in the United Arab Emirates, Requirements and Procedures


Individuals who have reached the age of eighteen are required to undergo a medical fitness examination, whether they are applying for a residence visa for the first time or renewing an existing one. The criteria for this examination are set by government authorities to ensure proof of the individual’s health fitness. Additionally, they must undergo a security check and submit an application to obtain a resident identity card from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security.


Documents Required for Residence Visa Issuance:


  1. Recent colored passport-size photo of the sponsored individual with a white background.
  2. Copy of the sponsored individual’s passport.
  3. Receipt of Emirates ID application.
  4. Attested lease agreement or any proof of residence ownership.
  5. Passport copy of the sponsor/host and a valid residency permit.
  6. Employment contract of the sponsor.
  7. Medical fitness certificate for the sponsored individual if aged 18 or above.
  8. Entry permit.
  9. Original attested birth certificate for children.
  10. Residence visa copy of the wife for newborns born in the country.
  11. Health insurance or health card.
  12. Death or divorce certificate for divorced or widowed sponsors supporting their families after the death of their spouse or divorce.
  13. Documents proving the residence of divorced or widowed sponsors.
  14. Documents proving sufficient income to cover living expenses for divorced or widowed sponsors.
  15. Certificate from the university or educational institution specifying the duration of study for students.


Extension of Residence Period in the UAE ,Rights of Widows, Divorced Women, and Their Children


In the United Arab Emirates, there is a provision for extending the residence period for widows, divorced women, and their children for one year without the need for a sponsor or host, starting from the date of death or divorce. This extension can be renewed once. It is a requirement that the residence of the children at the time of divorce or death is under the sponsorship of the deceased father or the divorced mother.


The residence visas for women and their children must be valid at the time of divorce or death, and the duration of the children’s residence visas should not exceed the validity period of their mother’s residence visa.


Staying Abroad for Residence Visa Holders in the UAE ,Exceptions and Regulations


The general rule in the United Arab Emirates stipulates that a resident expatriate holding a valid residence visa, who wishes to travel abroad for any reason, should not stay outside the UAE for more than 180 consecutive days. Otherwise, their residence visa will be invalidated. In such a case, they must apply for a new entry permit to re-enter the country.


However, there are exceptions to the aforementioned rule that allow certain categories to stay outside the country for periods exceeding six months while still maintaining the validity of their residence visa. These categories include:


  1. Foreign wives of Emirati citizens.
  2. Domestic workers accompanying a student studying abroad.
  3. Domestic workers accompanying an individual receiving medical treatment abroad.
  4. Government employees sent abroad for medical treatment by a government entity, provided a medical report approved by the Ministry of Health and Prevention or other accredited health authorities is submitted.
  5. Domestic workers accompanying members of diplomatic and consular missions.
  6. Public sector employees sent for specialized training courses, as well as employees in overseas offices of employers and their families.
  7. Students residing in the country traveling abroad for university studies.
  8. Domestic service workers assisting in the residences of ruling family members working abroad, holding valid residence permits in the country.
  9. Investors holding valid residence permits.
  10. Sponsored representatives of diplomatic and consular missions and their accompanying staff.
  11. Other categories subject to exception by the President or his delegate, provided they hold a valid residence permit and have paid the prescribed fees in this context.


Service for Activating Residency for Absent Residents, Procedures and Regulations in the UAE


This service is provided to residents who possess valid residencies and have been forced to stay outside the country for purposes such as studying, working, or receiving medical treatment for a period exceeding 6 months. The service allows them to reactivate their residency and return to the country using the same residency after obtaining approval from the authority. This includes all residencies approved within the service system provided by the authority.


Approval for the request to permit those who stayed outside the country for more than 6 months requires submitting a copy of the Emirates ID and a copy of the passport, along with the necessity of attaching the reason for the delay in entering the country during that period. The applicant must be outside the country, and the period spent outside the country must exceed 180 days.


Upon approval of the request, the applicant must enter the country within 30 days, and a fine of AED 100 is levied for every 30 days or less spent outside the country. The applicant must provide a justification for staying outside the country for a period exceeding 180 days.


Obtaining residency in the United Arab Emirates offers several advantages for residents, including:


  1. Opening a Bank Account: Holders of residency visas can open bank accounts with local banks, facilitating financial transactions and control over financial matters.
  2. Enjoying Financial Facilities: Holders of residency visas are entitled to benefit from available financial facilities, such as loans and personal banking services.
  3. Obtaining a Driving License: Residency visa holders can apply for a driving license, making it easier for them to navigate and drive within the country.
  4. Access to Government Healthcare Services and Health Insurance: Residents can benefit from healthcare services provided by government institutions, as well as the option to enroll in health insurance services.
  5. Enrolling Children in Schools: Residency visa holders are allowed to enroll their children in both government and private schools, providing them with opportunities for high-quality education.
  6. Employment and Investment: Holders of residency visas are permitted to work in various sectors and invest in numerous economic opportunities available in the country.
  7. Travel Without Prior Visa: Residency visa holders can travel to certain destinations without the need for a prior visa, or obtain a visa upon arrival at those destinations (please check travel requirements for the relevant destinations through their embassies).


Renewing a residency visa in the United Arab Emirates, Procedures and Penalties after Expiry

When the validity of a residency visa expires in the United Arab Emirates, it is imperative for the sponsor to promptly renew it within the specified grace period to avoid legal consequences and potential fines. After the expiration of the residency visa, residents are granted a grace period ranging from one month to six months, depending on the category to which they belong, to stay legally in the UAE.


The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security has standardized the fines for overstaying after the expiration of residency or visit visas, setting the violation at 50 AED for each day the resident stays beyond the grace period.


It is important to note that when a residency visa expires, the Emirates ID is also considered expired.


If the individual has reasons to renew the residency visa before its expiration for travel purposes, within a period of one to six months, a special permit and approval from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security are required.


Steps to Cancel Residency Visa When Permanently Leaving the UAE

When deciding to permanently leave the United Arab Emirates, it is necessary to complete the cancellation of your residency visa and those of your dependents according to the approved procedures. Here are the steps to follow:


  1. Initiate the Process through the Sponsor:

– The sponsor (the person who provided the guarantee for the resident) or their authorized representative (such as a delegate in the case of companies) can undertake the cancellation procedures for the sponsored residency visas.

– The sponsored individual is not allowed to execute the request without the sponsor’s permission and signature.


  1. Cancel the Work Visa:

– If a company decides to cancel an employee’s residency visa, it must go to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation to submit a request to cancel the employment contract and work permit.

– The employer and the employee sign the cancellation request, and then the employer submits the cancellation request to the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security.


  1. Cancel Family Visas:

– The sponsor must cancel the family visa (for spouse and children) before canceling their own personal residency visa.


  1. Submit the Cancellation Request:

– The cancellation of residency can be initiated through approved typing centers or through available electronic channels, such as the official website and the smart application of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security.


  1. Signing and Attestation:

– The authorized typing center can fill out the cancellation forms on behalf of the sponsor and submit them to the relevant authority.


  1. Online Submission:

– Alternatively, the cancellation request can be submitted through the dedicated online channels provided by the authority.


It is crucial to carefully follow the procedures and ensure that all necessary conditions are met, along with proper documentation. In case of any questions, it is advisable to consult the relevant authorities or the local consulate to ensure the correct execution of the procedures.


The role of our company as a real estate consulting company:

We understand the importance of real estate residency in Dubai and seek to provide professional assistance and expertise to investors in obtaining it. We provide customized and accurate advice based on each client’s needs, including searching for suitable properties and assisting in legal and administrative procedures related to obtaining real estate residency.


A real estate residency in Dubai represents an ideal opportunity for investors who want to take advantage of the economic and cultural opportunities available in this thriving cosmopolitan city. As a real estate consultancy, we aim to help investors obtain residency in safe and easy ways, and provide the necessary support and advice in all necessary steps. Real estate investment in Dubai is fruitful and provides multiple opportunities, and real estate residency enhances the investment experience and provides stability and flexibility for its holder.

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